Sons of Anarchy
Sons of Anarchy

Keith McGee or McGee as he was called, was the President of the SOA MC Chapter known as the Sons of Anarchy Belfast, Northern Ireland chapter (SAMBEL). He is one of the First 9. He is also married to Maureen Ashby.


McGee came to the States in the 60′s and rode from New York to CA, where we met John Teller, Piney and Lenny 'The Pimp' Janowitz who had all just returned from Vietnam. They formed the “Sons” and when Clay joined them in the 70′s they settled in Charming and became the Redwood Originals. He later went back to Belfast, with John & Clay, to form SAMBEL and become the link between SOA and the True IRA.

Season 3

McGee was nearly killed by the explosive-laden gun shipment that was meant to take out SAMCRO.

He was killed by Clay after Liam O'Neill revealed that McGee was also a traitor to the club. Before leaving Belfast, Clay gives McGee's First 9 patch to McGee's widow Maureen.
